Leaning Tree Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing in Metro-Milwaukee

Archive for the month “January, 2013”

Content Marketing and Google Algorithms

google logoRecently, Google rolled out some new quality controls for content marketing which will play into algorithms important to organic search results.  The change is designed to place relevance on the QUANTITY of new content, and will affect 35% of all search queries.  For businesses who are constantly updating their blog, social media sites, website content, and participating in inbound marketing….this is great news. For those who are not, this change could put a little fire in the seat to do something about it.  Stated in a Google press release,  “Search results, like warm cookies right out of the oven… are best when they’re fresh.”

If you want a piece of the SEO action, be prepared to push out more blogs, tweets, posts, and join in on discussions related to your products, services, and industry at any moment!

Don’t wait another minute to check your Google+ Business Places accounts and ensure you are within the guidelines.  The penalty?  Google will remove your business information and your business will lose precious search engine leverage.

Just because Google is asking for more quantity doesn’t minimize the importance of current and relevant information.  If you buy Google AdWords, familiarize yourself with Google’s Quality Score.  In addition, here are some basic definitions for marketers and business owners alike:

  • SEO:  abbreviation for “Search Engine Optimization,”  how to appear higher in search engine results.
  • Inbound Marketing:  Marketing efforts focused on getting found by customers rather than traditional marketing which is more intrusive.
  • Content Marketing:  Technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract and engage an audience with the objective of driving profitable actions.

All of the above utilize blogs, social sites, websites, Press-releases, etc.  Instead of merely “selling” your products and services, you’re delivering information that makes your buyer more intelligent.  Not only that, but consumers don’t respond to traditional marketing like they used to.  It takes more to catch their interest than an online banner or TV ad alone.  multi-color-LEANING-TREE-logo-with-rep-mgmt small for FB cover

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